Sunday, June 16, 2019

[Download Crack+ Install] V2018 Actia Multi Diag 43.06 On Windows7

V2018  Actia Multi Diag arrived at, here we'd like to share the free download links and installation method:

Actia 3.2018 43.06:!QNskhKqY!q93QYap0xNayDMhO1Y0DRpf_OkpkYJQEgC0vnrPzfOM
older version Actia 1.2018 42.09:!croCEKIQ!7PHYKUAWkVqKBfc1DTzmQtJUEcYx9iQ0KsNLXrYi2ew
VCI 033918

Security: unknown, not tested by professionals yet

Good to know: you need luck with actia multi diag interface china clone
For sake of security and convenience, you'd better to have actia reliable
here are all tested versions, confirmed to work perfectly
actia multi diag 2018:
actia multi diag 2016:
actia multi diag 2015:
actia multi diag 2014:
actia multi diag 2013:
actia multi diag 2011:

It works with any Actia interface either genuine or clone as long as the PIC chip is flashed properly. For 1st generation yellow you need to reflash PIC12F629 (link for guide bellow), as for 2nd generation XS 2G (silver/black) you need to reflash 16F630 (I will look for a guide for this one). They all use the same software and drivers from this INFO file. I went from a clone 1st gen to a genuine 2nd gen on the same laptop, same software without changing anything. I strongly advise people to buy a genuine 2nd gen since it's got a powerful program behind with all functions and furthermore you can use it as a Passthru device (it has J2534-1 and J2534-2) with various dealer software. You hit 2 birds!

First of all, you must modify or buy a modified clone. The procedure is the same on all Actia devices, either clone or genuine or 1st or 2nd generation.
1st generation yellow VCI: Link for guide if your chip PIC12F629 is not modified :
2nd generation silver XS 2G: I did not find a proper guide now, all I know is that you have to reflash PIC16F630.

Installation instructions:


@@@@@@@@@@INTERNET MUST BE OFF@@@@@@@@@@@

  1. run ACTIA_NET_BLOCK.bat (Run as administrator if possible)
  2. run Activation MAJ MD 033918/keyUpdate (Run as administrator if possible)
  3. Install Actia Multidiag Standard Profil (if the case, use S/N: 033918 instead of xxxxxxx) (I selected country: France and simply changed language after installation)
RESTART COMPUTER after installation finished
  1. Go to C:\ACTIA\Portal
  2. Remove Wget.exe
  3. Go to control panel -> uninstall or change a program -> there are 3 drivers made by ACTIA. Remove all 3 drivers.
  4. Install I+ME-Actia-PassThru-XS2G-Driverpack-

Then: (supplier told me it is optional, I have done it anyway)
  1. Go to C:\ACTIA\Portal\chrome\multidiag\content\scripts
  2. Open in a text editor file multidiag.js
  3. Go to line "var showWarningPT1Window=true" and make this line like
  4. "var showWarningPT1Window=false"

Then: Run the application, connect VCI to car and to laptop's USB, try to make a diagnostic on a car and it should detect a new hardware. If it does not recognizes it, then you have to update it manually via Start menu->right click on computer->Manage->Device Manager->Other devices->Right click on Unknown device->Update driver software->Browse my computer for driver->"C:\Actia\Drivers VCI\PT1G"

If you want to update from older version, simply uninstall old version and make sure you follow the steps again completely (including removing the 3drivers)

Note: it should appear each time when you diagnose that your VCI is old and blablabla, just click continue and it connects to the car
Note2: My supplier told me that it might not be 100% compatible with all cars as it is the old interface and does not do the multiplexing like the newer one. I tested on a few cars from 2000 to 2015 and for 300euro it is worth adding to collection!
Note3: On 2nd gen XS 2G it should be recognized it automatically, it will not display any messages and will work much faster and stable.



  1. Actia Multi-Diag I 2009 v.16.21
  2. Actia Multi-Diag I 2010 v.19.10
  3. Actia Multi-Diag III 2010 v.21
  4. Actia Multi-Diag II 2011 v.23.07 + Vivid WorkShop
  5. Actia Multi-Diag III 2011 v.24.01 + Service Pack 3 v.24.31
  6. Actia Multi-Diag I 2012 v.25.13
  7. Actia Multi-Diag II 2012 v.26.08.1 + Service Pack 2 v.26.25 + Vivid WorkShop
  8. Actia Multi-Diag III 2012 v.27.06 + Service Pack 2 v.27.21 + Vivid WorkShop
  9. Actia Multi-Diag I 2013 v.27.31 + Vivid WorkShop
  10. Actia Multi-Diag II 2013 v.28.08 + Service Pack 1 v.28.11
  11. Actia Multi-Diag III 2013 v.29.04+Service Pack 1 v.29.11+Service Pack 2 v.29.21
  12. Actia Multi-Diag IV 2013 v.30.06+Service Pack 1 v.30.11+Service Pack 2 v.30.21
  13. Actia Multi-Diag I 2014 v.31.09+Service Pack 1 v.31.11+Service Pack 2 v.31.21 + Vivid WorkShop
  14. Actia Multi-Diag II 2014 v.32.05+Service Pack 1 v.32.11
  15. Actia Multi-Diag I 2015 v33+Service Pack 1 v.33.11+Service Pack 2 v33.21+Vivid WorkShop
  16. ALL KEYGENS FROM v.19 TO v.32


  1. Actia Multi-Diag CD versions 6.1,6.3&7.3
  2. Actia Multi-Diag Trucks 2011
  3. Actia Multi-Diag I 2015 v.33.06+Service Pack 1 v.33.11+Service Pack 2 v33.21+Vivid WorkShop + KG
  4. Actia Multi-Diag II 2015 v.34.07+Service Pack 1 v.34.11+Service Pack 2 v.34.21
  5. PassThru programs,drivers and instructions on how to install them.
  6. Added Original MDO adapters pinouts
[Image: 105zjlt.png]
  1. Actia Multi-Diag III 2015 v.35.09+Service Pack 1 v.35.11+Service Pack 2 v.35.21
  2. Actia Multi-Diag I 2016 v.36.05+Service Pack 1 v.36.11+Service Pack 2 v.36.21+Service Pack 3 v36.31+Service Pack 4 v36.41
  3. Jaltest Trucks that has same interface as Actia Trucks versions 2013.3.1.1 and 2014.1.1.1

note: read the pdf files to know your tool better and to make proper choices, specialy for passthru programs.

password if needed: fantomelthanks to fantomel, bouizanne, zdsSF, Twist

Just in case, be sure you have these programs as well.

Final note:
As a personal experience, the 1st generation Actia is quite limited on newer Euro5+ cars, used on a variety of cars.  But for example it was the only one that could adapt pilot injection on a peuget boxer 2.2hdi among genuine delphi,kts,launch; on a BMW F30 328i it had all the functions and parameters as other testers I own. The second generation though it is something else. It connects much faster and you feel safe working with it.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Renault Can Clip V188 V187 Download Free

In this post, you can free download Renault Can Clip 188 187 185 184 183 182 181, which are tested working fine with RLT2002 clone or genuine, Renault/Nissan Alliance VI probe, Renault Can Clip etc.

Free download Renault Can Clip 188!bY0TSQYJ!I4OjHdEqbdpPQMDyYMRrW0ez3JA1oC4VSHO-s2zb5sE
No password
Security: unknown (shared in forum)
For RLT2002 clone or genuine you have to replace that two files as in v185, v186 or v187
For Renault/Nissan Alliance VI probe you don't need to do anything.
Good luck

Free download Renault Can Clip 187 - Torrent on mega!cVRhjaCA!pg5jLiq3l0Ia12McXQmGGi5Ql-E7mSzNzjY-V5TiOOg
No password
Security: unknown (shared in forum)

Year / Release Date: 2019
Version: Renault CAN Clip 187
OS: Windows 7, 10 x32
Language: Multilingual (English, French, German, Italian, Russian and other)
Medicine: inside
Description: The program for the diagnosis of electronic systems of cars Renault, Dacia and Samsung. Working with scanner Renault CAN Clip only.
How to activate Renault Can Clip 187:
Look on ReadMe!.txt (Inside the folder "Activation (Patch V3)")

If you want - there are older & stable versions [all can work with Renault Can clip Clone (China RLT2002 probe)]

Renault CAN Clip V185 torrent:!dRhhgSIK!AznL5QDKgOd0qpqEGxGqPjsrmWA304DtEf0wEC0Ejww

Renault CAN Clip V184:
For those who have a connection problem with interface RLT2002 (ori or clone):
You must modify 2 files in version 185 (Computer >>> Disk C >>> Clip >>> Config):
I leave here the download of the file :!dEpkTQKZ!LLcV-JFbZZnmNPYOyDddww
clip v184-02

Renault CAN Clip V183 torrent:!9c5jhAqT!3d0loW6W9LVV2YjoVSPF6WHgty_kY-DSEorVAsUlGrE
clip v184-03

  1. For the China RLT2002 probe, change the file, "AA_VIMSelection.dll".
I leave here the download of the file :

Renault CAN Clip V182 torrent:!FN5FFAQC!Mc_YqdVmeHu7i-5fK_IIGyxKW6jFg-OCep2zDt8pYRc

Renault CAN Clip V181 torrent:!BVwjRKhR!smlYv9N8o89z3iCvI_KkeswBTMJN671EiiXH_opFJkM
  1. For those who have a connection problem with interface RLT2002 (ori or clone):

You must modify 2 files in version 185 (Computer >>> Disk C >>> Clip >>> Config):

- probesConfiguration

and - probesConfiguration_logs (normally both at the bottom)

If you are in V184, recover these 2 files, install the V185 and modify the files


Small Reminder: If a Clip Version is already installed on your PC DO NOT REPEAT activation procedure

Files in pj (no pass)!dEpkTQKZ!LLcV-JFbZZnmNPYOyDddww



Thursday, June 13, 2019

Download & win7 install SDD V157 for SVCI DoIP Jaguar Landrover diagnosis

Topic: Download SDD V157 full software & driver to install on STIC SVCI DoIP for diagnosing  Jaguar Landrover 2005-2019.

STC SVCI DoIP with SDD V157 advantages:
  1. Easy to install.
  2. Able to connect network connection.
  3. Multiple language available
  4. Auto VIN read
  5. Has service functions.

First, download SDD V157 full software at:

Second, download SVCI DoIP D-PDU and Passthru Driver v1.3 (offered by Fly Company)
Have one SVCI DoIP cable from one dealer, you will have one CD contained with SVCI DoIP D-PDU and Passthru Driver v1.3.

Youtube Video on how to install SDD V157 on Win7 for Jaguar Land rover diagnosis:

Right click on "SDD_157_Full", select "Run as administrator".

Select the Language:
Chinese (simplified),
English (United States)
French (standard)
Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese (Standard)

Click on "Next" to continue...

SDD 157 installation requires the newest Adobe Reader, click on"OK" to upgrade.
It pops up "Would you like ActiveCGM to be the default TIF viewer?
Click on "No".

Click on "HV Safety" to install.

SDD is configuring your new software installation.

Setup MOXA UPort 1110/1130/1150 Windows Driver Ver1.6 on your computer.
Click on "Next", then "Install", then complete.

SDD is configuring your new software installation, it will take several minutes.
InstallShield Wizard complete.
Restart the computer.

Back to DVD, right click on "SVCI DoIP D-PDU and Passthru Driver Set..."
Select "Run as administrator".

Select Language (English and Chinese only)

Click on "Next";
Click on "Next";
Click on "Next";
Click on "Install";
Click on "Finish", complete the SVCI D-PDU and Passthru Driver Setup Wizard.
Connect SVCI DoIP cable to the computer, wait until the device is ready to use.

Right click on "Computer" - "Manage" - "Device Manager", wait until you can see "COM5" , which means SVCI DoIP cable has established a good communication with the computer.

Right click on "JLR SDD" and select "Run as administrator".
Launching SDD.
Click on "Continue".

Click on "Continue". (SVCI DoIP cable is allowed to connect network connection)

Enter dealer information.

Click on "Continue", at the right corner you can see "Device Connected".

Click on "AutoVIN Read".
Select "High line instrument cluster".
Click on "Diagnosis".

Select "System" (SVCI DoIP can access to Land Rover L319 Chassis, Powertrain, Electrical, Body etc).

Select "PCM", then "View DTCs for PCM module".

Select "Market specification".
Loading recommended Candidates.

DTCs by ECU.

Besides, SVCI DoIP can also perform service Functions, it's up to you to continue.

Have a fun.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Free download & installtion:JLR SDD V125,V130,V138, V156

Offer older but stable version JLR SDD V125,V130,V138 as well as newest SDD V156 version, and installation videos.

 JLR SDD V125 V130 V138:

Need patch!67ABiI4T!KZJme2JRu-rUi5shzdpXQcUfGOyBCMYXX4aXen_8De0
also Need driver!oAo3iIJZ!1cBjn9hw4PrL_DIcnL1qDnAu8fP1hakkohoXEpi375Q

PS: The software is clean and only misuse or inexperience will cause any issues. ECM/Module flashing be sure you know what your doing
I take no responsibility for any damage done to your car or equipment with use of this software.

SDD V130
Just be aware that you will be running 2 operating systems at the same time. So if your using old hardware that is slow running one version of Windows, its going to be a lot slower running two. I created these images on my i7 overclocked Gaming rig, and use it on a 4 year old 2 core netbook. The newer and more powerful the hardware. The better it will run.
If you’re using an older PC/Laptop, remember it is now running two versions of windows at the same time. So on start-up of the VM, it can take a number of minutes for the VM to recognize and start the USB’s to recognize your mongoose. Have patience and it will find it. I have had a number of people say that the VM is not finding the Mongoose. This has all been on older machines with mechanical hard drives. If you wish to speed this up, get newer hardware or replace the drive with a SDD. But remember the software itself is not quick as it is browser based.
Another tip is make sure your plugged into the mains (and god created the extension cord) with older laptops (dodgy batteries). I had a laptop die on me part way flashing a module. Got an extension cord, turned it back on and it picked up where it left off. So don’t panic if something goes wrong. Sit back and think before you do something really stupid!!!!
I run this quite comfortably on a 4 year old Netbook. Its a duel core Celeron with 4gb, 64gb SSD and the image is on a 64gb SDCard. I suppose you could install the image natively to a hard drive, but that would have to be something you will have to research yourself.
You can also consider if using an older laptop. Running a Disto of Linux with VirtualBox installed. Some disto’s of Linux have very small footprints and will help you with running two OS’s at the same time.
I will request if you download or use anything i supply! You give a few pennies in an animal charity box next time your able.
You should not have to pay anything for this VM image.
(or burnt copies of the original SDD disks)
I provide it free of charge, except for the condition above!

How to install Jaguar SSD Versions 130?
Version 130 already has Mongoose toolkit installed to flash your cable with the right firmware and also a script to auto set the date to the correct one. Has both Jaguar and Land rover files included. Will need ID and password to be entered on first use (Included)
1. How to install
Install your version of Virtual-box. Virtual-box is available for Windows PC, OSX for Apple Mac’s and Linux at

Go to file and Import Appliance and select the image you downloaded. SDD130.ova

  1. Sit back. Maybe put the kettle on as it can take quite a while depending on your hardware.

You can now (if you want and I do advice it), right click on the SDDimage, and create a clone. So you have a backup just in case you mess up, and instead of having to copy the image over again to your laptop

(TIP) You can make as many clones as you like (depending on your hard drive space) and if you’re working with multiple cars, then you can rename each clone for an individual cars!

  1. Double click the file that now appears called SDD130. It should now load up windows XP in a window
  2. How to use Jaguar SDD in a VMDo not activate the wifi or any kind of online connection IN THE VM. Leave it offline. You can keep your laptop connected to google things out of the VM. Just don’t connect the VM online!!
You should now have a window running XP. If you are using Version 130. A black window will appear. That is the auto script to set the date and time to 01/08/2012. Each time you start it, it will change the date to the correct one for it to work. Just click in the black box and press a key.

Any windows boxes that pop up to search for hardware. Just cancel them as it’s looking for drivers of hardware you don’t have. Ignore and cancel.

Plug your mongoose into the car and the other end into the laptop. Turn the ignition of your car to position 2.

Go to devices on the top of the Virtual box window, choose USB and select the mongoose. It should say Drews. Don’t select any option that will bring you online in the image!

Now one of two things will happen. It will automatically detect the mongoose and update the firmware on the device or not. If not then you could already be compatible. You can double click on the windows icon for Mongoose JLR Configuration. You should see your mongoose in the white panel in the configuration menu. Select it and flash firmware. (It will send the right firmware to be compatible with the version of SDD you are using. If your using a different version of SDD. It will flash whatever one you need) to your mongoose

Now if you want to you can change the resolution of the virtual XP just like normal windows. I have set it at a low 800×600 so it is compatible on everyone’s screen resolution. So right click on the window and adjust to your own laptops specifications. If you press RIGHT CONTROL BUTTON and C for scaled mode or RIGHT CONTROL BUTTON and F for full screen mode.

Now double click on JLR SDD. It should now load up Internet explorer (yes it is browser based and the worst browser ever created). If it fails to load. Close the browser and the little window with stop application Click stop application. Just double click again Jaguar SDD, and it will load. If you are confronted with a password screen (only with Version 130), which sometimes happens? There is a password.txt on the VM images desktop for v130. USER ID – JLR9A8172 and Password – L538X760, then press identify

You should be now confronted with the vehicle identification number (VIN) screen. If not then your mongoose is not communicating to the car. Check Below!
Is it plugged into the car and laptop?
Is the car ignition in position 2?
Did the mongoose configuration tool flash the firmware?
Did you activate USB in the Virtual box?
Jaguar IDS 125 TEST RUN
Jaguar SDD Version 130 VM image
Jaguar SDD Version 138 VM image

JLR SDD V156 install on win7:

The video is SDD V154, it is as the same as V156.
uploaded by engineer.

Thanks to @TheMindBuddah for his contribution (url:
JLR DoIP VCI  Tool for best price:

Sunday, June 9, 2019

iProg+ Plus V69 – V43 free download

Topic: iProg+ plus clone V69 - V43 free download as well as newest V69 iProg clone coverage of airbag, car (Car radio, DPF OFF, ECU, IMMO, Key, Mil to KM, PIN ABS, PIN Code Smartra 3, Pincode from the dump v1.0.3, Sensor, Speed Limit etc), dashboard (read km, write a new km on many cars) , eeprom, others.
iProg clone nice feature is the software comes with HD wiring diagram.

iProg clone V69 - V43 free download:
password: 4p1sx1
Supplier: engineer
Security: 100% Yes

V69 iProg clone coverage:
  1. Adapter test

  1. iProg clone Airbag
Read and erase crash to some cars
Read and erase DTC
Repair CFG
v69-iProg-clone-coverage-04 v69-iProg-clone-coverage-05 v69-iProg-clone-coverage-06

  1. iProg clone Car functions incl. Car radio, DPF OFF, ECU, IMMO, Key, Mil to KM, PIN ABS, PIN Code Smartra 3, Pincode from the dump v1.0.3, Sensor, Speed Limit etc

  1. iProg clone dashboard functions (read km, write a new km on many cars).

  1. Read/write/erase eeprom

  1. Mcu: Read and write chips, Cover chips Atmel, Fujitsu and microchips, Motorola, Motorola 912EN, NEC v850

  1. Others (BLR, CAN, CRC_Cript, Example, Ibutton, sd_unlocker, test...)

To be continued...

iProg clone tech support is always available at
