Wednesday, January 18, 2017

XTUNER T1 software display

XTUNER T1 Heavy Duty Trucks Car Intelligent Diagnostic Tool Support WIFI  software here :

Top 11 Reasons to Choose XTUNER T1 Heavy Duty Trucks Car Intelligent Diagnostic Tool

1. Extensive vehicle coverage for heavy-duty trucks.
2. Complete function including DTC, DTC freeze Info, Live data, Actuation test and Special function.
3. Support standard protocol J1939, J1708 and J1587.
4. Communication: USB or WIFI connection for the VCI.
5. Update: New software update on the internet
6. Supply OBDII and other 10 connector.
7. With brand-new design, the hardware features in stability and anti-interference.
8. The built-in overvoltage protection module is able to protect scanner and vehicle against accidental damage during checking.
9. Work stably and smoothly in high and low temperature environment.
10. Operation System:  Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, which allows for more stable performance, better compatibility and expandability.

11. Language: English(Add more languages in the future)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Mercedes software download

Mercedes software download:!QUAiGYCT!B-LUxzkteHYT2ALz33mrTw
Mercedes software download:

2014.07 DAS Xentry installation guide… Here you go…This how-to guide consists of 7 phases… Read all steps first, then follow it in order.
The detailed guide, esp. for newbies, proposed is intended for personal, educational and experimental use to install Mercedes diagnostic softwareXentry DAS 2014.7 on Windows XP operation system. Newbies must follow it step by step. The experienced cam skip or modulate some steps.
Software requirements:
  • XP service pack 3 source
  • partition manager
  • virtual drive program
  • winrar
  • adobe reader 10 or more (installation saves ur time)
  • Drivers of ur laptop 🙁 original)…attached file contains dell 630 drivers
  • inx modified files specific to ur version
  • Xentry 2 DVDs (original or modified)
  • EPC 9 2013 base database
  • EPC 7 2014 update (last according to time of doc. editing)
  • WIS 7 2014 full (last according to time of doc. editing)
  • Sdmedia 1 2014
  • Fixes (bin fix / blacklists/ pic. fix) according to ur version
  • Key generators
  • Framework 2.0 and 3.5 sp1 ( saves ur time)
  • Active Iso maker
Attachment in the post contains many sources above…Search forum for Xentry DVDs, EPC, WIS/ASRA and Sdmedia sources in automotive software section of the forum.
Installation guide:
Phase 1: (XP fresh installation)…..approx: 75 min s
  1. insert bootable XP SP3 CD
  2. enter bios setting and make boot from CD first choice
  3. install win XP with following considerations in order:
  • Delete ur partitions if already ur HDD is partitioned…
  • create partition in un partitioned space c : at least 20 GB
  • install win in c: partition after formatting drive in NTFS””not quick””
  • create two accounts : the first is STAR , the second OWNER
  • login to both accounts
  • restart ur system
  • login to STAR
  • Install partition manager (see sources)
  • partition as follows (120GB HDD is minimum requirement) :
D: 3 GB
E: 50 GB
F: 35 GB
Note: letters are extremely important..NTFS is mandatory…use Default allocation size
  • Restart is required to apply partitions by partition manager program…
  • Login to STAR…Open My computer…format partitions again.. now u can use quick format don’t forget NTFS and Default allocation size.
  • install drivers correctly
  • Go to control panel<system<hardware<Device manger to confirm that no device hasn’t installed..If u find a device not known install its’ driver..
  • Restart system as required by some drivers..
  • After that install: Adobe reader /Virtual clone program /winrar.
  • NOTE: if you have the enough experience u can save the time and do partitions as follows from the start in XP setup:
    C : at least 20 GB
D: 3 GB
E: 50 GB
F: 35 GB
Phase 1 completed 🙂
Phase 2: (Preparation for Xentry installation)….approx. 5 min s
  1. Go to Newguide2j file(see sources)
  2. click WFP switch (stands for Windows File Protection)
  3. restart ur system as required to apply settings
  4. Logging to Star account
  5. Go to Newguide2j
  6. Click prepare batch (follow commands..10 steps will be executed)..system will be restarted
  7. Login to Star..u will find Star Utilities in ur desktop
Phase 2 completed 🙂

Phase 3: (Preparing installation DVDS)..Skip this if u already downloaded trusted modified DVDS to phase 4 ….approx. 30 min s

you must create a DVD with the amended file Setup.inx, by replacing file setup.inx  with the one on the DVD so you can run the software Be CAREFULL HERE!!
Follow steps bellow:
  1. Go to ur DVD 1…right click..extract the DVD1 IN A FILE ON YOUR LAPTOP DESKTOP
  • Go to Setup modified folder..(According to ur version..See sources).
  • Copy the setup.inx file and notice its folder name
  • Return to the extracted DVD1 folder
  • Find the folder name similar to that in Setup modified folder
  • Paste the setup.inx TO REPLACE THE OLD FILE
  • Will say there is same file name and replace
  • Do the same for DVD2.

  1. Convert both back to Iso format (use Active iso program..see sources)
    follow steps :
  • Open Active iso maker program
  • Select New iso
  • Use UDF option.
  • DRAG all the content of the replaced setup.inx files DVD to the root in the program (extremely important) i prefer to use Ctrl+A to select all files then drag them to the program(Active iso program)
  • Save files with name DVD1 for 1 and DVD2 for 2
By the end u have 2 new modified iso files READY TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE
Phase3 completed 🙂

New break through:

now u can make ur machine with appid 250 as original xentry kits so u can skip this phase and go immediately to phase 4:
that is so easy and time saving thanks to people worked here :
Phase 4: (DVD1 Xentry installation) ….approx. 75 min s
  1. Set time to month after ur DVD release
  2. Go to STARTUTILITIES in desktop.. click star key center
  3. Insert keys for Xentry and WIS and Das with the following considerations:
  • Use key gens provided in sources.
  • BE aware to tick expiry date for the keys and set it forward eg. 01/01/2020
  • BE aware in xentry key to set the start day to 2 days before ur system date
  • keys need information as Hardware id and App id and LAN id….Copy them correctly form the startkey to generate the right key
  • click save
  • if it is correct and saved u will notify that validity appeared after clicking save
  1. mount DVD1
  2. explore mounted dvd1/ STARDIAG
  3. click setup
  4. Setup will start
  5. Choose Lang.
  6. Wait 🙂 and follow instructions ordinary
  7. Setup will pop up that no startkey click yes…setup will launch StartKey with new appearance
  8. Insert new key using Xentry key generator BUT NOW Appid is 253 and NEW hardware id…Save key…
  9. Exit start key
  10. Setup will continue….
  • Setup will need to restart..This is ordinary..after restart launch setup again as previous if not launched automatically
  • Error will appear during antivirus update..close the small window and ignore that error
  • if windows protection appears because u don’t follow the guide strictly read the message carefully and let the program to replace the original windows files
  • Plug computer to power source…if u don’t the setup will be terminated!
  • New login will appear … wait…don’t switch of lap.
  • Steps 10,11,12 will not happen if u use the New brake through of appid 250
  1. DVD1 complete successfully and setup will require DVD2 after restart
Phase 4 completed 🙂
Phase 5: (DVD2 Xentry installation) ….approx. 150 min s
  1. mount DVD2
  2. Explore DVD2 < STARDIAG
  3. Click setup
  4. Setup will start
  5. WaitJ
  6. Setup will complete and require YOU to click finish to restart…DON’T CLICK FINISH!!
  7. Go to Newguide2j
  8. Click after installation patch
  9. Return to Xentry setup and now click finish..System will restart and hot fixes installation begin
  10. Wait until hot fixes finish then system will be completely loaded
  • Setup will need to restart…This is ordinary..after restart launch setup again as previous if not launched automatically
Phase 5 completed 🙂
Now you have XENTRY… 🙂
Phase 6: (fixes and config. phase)…approx. 15 min s
  1. Navigate to: Control panel > System > Hardware > Device manager > Ports (COM & LPT). Right click on that COM port you have left enabled and select Properties.
Go to Port Settings tab and set these values:
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Then click on Advanced… button and make sure Use FIFO buffers are checked and COM Port Number is set to COM2.
Press OK and close Device manager.
THIS for Part D
  1. Apply pic. fix
  2. Apply bin fixes (search the forum according to ur version).
  3. Apply blacklist (search the forum according to ur version).
Phase 6 completed 🙂
Phase 7: EPC net and WIS\ASRA and SDmedia installation …Approx. 150 min s

  1. Mount to virtual DVD : EPC of the latest update(7 2014)
  2. Click startNOTE: in this stage EWA server is installing and also java follow instructions appear to u.
    Now open EWA Admin tool and insert EPC and WIS startkey in startkey tab (keys are provided in our forum by friendly members.
  3. Back to EPC tab…Click install EPC…
    the installation will request a base line source of 9 2013 EPC..Mount them according to the DVD tag file required..Make sure to mount the requested DVD..otherwise u will face a problem of (no installation medium),,in case of iso made by you if u mistake in the iso creation that u put all folder as a root u will face the problem also(simple mistake with huge effect of failure)Now EPC 7 2014 with base line 9 2013 installed.
  4. Go to EWA net..User and pass is admin…change ur pass
    Note…From here download and follow EWA net installation guide..If ur successful EPC icon appears in programs…click here:
  5. Here is the trick…Go to EWA admin tool to install WIS…Click preferences>Extended functionality…new tab will be added..
  6. Click WIS update and flow the instructions and required DVDsNOTE: it will check installation media compatibility and requires EPC DVD to check compatibility…
    Then it requires the 2 WIS DVD
    Go to EWA page log again and do the same done for EPC…WIS icon appears..Click on it and ENJOY!!
This guide is a product of try and error of installation..Hours of search..Kind reply to questions by great members..Sources provided is just a collection from the forum to save time only..They are not invented or created by me and some of them from internet.
  • Special thanks to Member MOTASEM & LuisAndre
  • Hope this is helpful and time saving….
  • To avoid any issues of das xentry installation, you can also spend some dollars to get a plug-and-play disk with das xentry installed and ready for use. A trusted dealer:
  • For Windows 7 & Windows 8 users, refer to

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Free download odis-e v6.7.5 v6.2.2 v5.0.14 v3.0.3

This post aim to support free software download odis-e v6.7.5 v6.2.2 v5.0.14 v3.0.3 ,and tell you what differences among them.
Try on your own risk!
Good luck with odis!

(NEWEST) Download ODIS-E 6.7.5 – PostSetup ISO!P4xlWKJa!f2YmG2AU1Zy4dyWYhmBIXLX4qbLq3hM-BgaLBC_A114 
no password or anything, just doing my part to help.
(BIG THANKS to @wopr)

(Crack) ODIS Engineering 6.2.2 free download!BkUUSIxC!hVzH08R0q6QsMQN83LstKDIVBCPLnWaOJ1dqGeQe01c
ODIS Engineering 6.2.2 + PostSetup + Projects (Multilingual) cracked, with launcher
(BIG THANKS to @blokers77)

(for offline flash) ODIS 5.0.14 download!gg9wSbQC!gyv7bMb5RmVHe69iejw7wS69vuXxzKjM9fqjSpaF_es
ODIS-E v5.0.14 is the only one version online tested by a diy user that can work fine for offline flash


(Safest) ODIS-E 3.0.3 download
This is the best solution of VAG vehicles’ obdii diagnosis and offline flash. Pros and thousands of users have tested it no issues. So, it can be used with security.

Which version is best for offline flash?
Odis 6.0.9, odis 5.0.14 or odis 3.0.3 should be ok……old OIDS-E is working fine with it..

Which version is safe to use for offline flash?
it’s a 50/50 chance that it will work or not, or, something may not work.
use ODIS 5.0.14 with unknown security and need luck, cause it’s only tested individually by DIYers (not pros)
so, ODIS-E 3.0.3 should be a better choice for offline flash. It is tested by pros and thousands of users. VXDIAG engineers also confirm Odis 3.0.3 works well with their VXDIAG VCX NANO 5054. Definitely safe to use this for offline flash; avoid to damage the ecus and instruments.

ODIS V6.7.5 – newest only
ODIS-E V6.2.2 – crack
Odis v5.0.14 – good for offline flash, said diyers
Odis engineer 3.0.3 – safest to use for diagnosis and offline flash, said professionals