Thursday, April 27, 2017

Free Download Actia Multi Diag 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2009

Here, Multi diag Access j2534 download with Actia multi diag trucks, including actia diagnostics software version 2009 to version 2016 (the newest). I think that this is the most complete collection available online today

A little kind advice, read the pdf files to know your tool better and to make proper choices, specialy for passthru programs.

Actia Multi Diag 2016
Actia Multi Diag 2015
Actia Multi Diag 2014
All above can be tested with the following diagnostics software, but you need luck.

Actia diagnostic vs. cdp 100251
Actia it’s a different multi brand diagnostic but the main difference actia-cdp,cdp+ is that actia interface it’s also multimode, and it can be used as passthru interface in different auto factory brand programs like JLR,HDS,Rheingold,INPA,VAS-PC,Toyota Techstream and maybe others.

actia multi diag price:

Actia multi diag download, here you go…

Part1 : Actia MULTI DIAG download (big thanks to FANTOMEL)!XYQ0FBBI!eW_ZAaLsrK1VHfHPdQAwGA
  1. Actia Multi-Diag I 2009 v.16.21
  2. Actia Multi-Diag I 2010 v.19.10
  3. Actia Multi-Diag III 2010 v.21
  4. Actia Multi-Diag II 2011 v.23.07 + Vivid WorkShop
  5. Actia Multi-Diag III 2011 v.24.01 + Service Pack 3 v.24.31
  6. Actia Multi-Diag I 2012 v.25.13
  7. Actia Multi-Diag II 2012 v.26.08.1 + Service Pack 2 v.26.25 + Vivid WorkShop
  8. Actia Multi-Diag III 2012 v.27.06 + Service Pack 2 v.27.21 + Vivid WorkShop
  9. Actia Multi-Diag I 2013 v.27.31 + Vivid WorkShop
  10. Actia Multi-Diag II 2013 v.28.08 + Service Pack 1 v.28.11
  11. Actia Multi-Diag III 2013 v.29.04+Service Pack 1 v.29.11+Service Pack 2 v.29.21
  12. Actia Multi-Diag IV 2013 v.30.06+Service Pack 1 v.30.11+Service Pack 2 v.30.21
  13. Actia Multi-Diag I 2014 v.31.09+Service Pack 1 v.31.11+Service Pack 2 v.31.21 + Vivid WorkShop
  14. Actia Multi-Diag II 2014 v.32.05+Service Pack 1 v.32.11
  15. Actia Multi-Diag I 2015 v33+Service Pack 1 v.33.11+Service Pack 2 v33.21+Vivid WorkShop
  16. ALL KEYGENS FROM v.19 TO v.32

Part2: Actia diagnostics software+download (big thanks to FANTOMEL)!WUEnXK7I!M8Wg4MHBX0jLFTeRBoXz1w
  1. Actia Multi-Diag CD versions 6.1,6.3&7.3
    18. Actia Multi-Diag Trucks 2011
    19. Actia Multi-Diag I 2015 v.33.06+Service Pack 1 v.33.11+Service Pack 2 v33.21+Vivid WorkShop + KG
    20. Actia Multi-Diag II 2015 v.34.07+Service Pack 1 v.34.11+Service Pack 2 v.34.21
    21. PassThru programs,drivers and instructions on how to install them.
    22. Added Original MDO adapters pinouts thanks to userTwist
    Actia diagnostics software+download file
    23. Actia Multi-Diag III 2015 v.35.09+Service Pack 1 v.35.11+Service Pack 2 v.35.21
    24. Actia Multi-Diag I 2016 v.36.05+Service Pack 1 v.36.11+Service Pack 2 v.36.21+Service Pack 3 v36.31+Service Pack 4 v36.41
    25. Jaltest Trucks that has same interface as Actia Trucks versions 2013.3.1.1 and 2014.1.1.1
actia multi diag keygen: fantomel

actia multi diag installation:
How to install Actia Multi diag I-2016 software on Windows XP

  1. Open in a text editor file multidiag.js
  2. Go to line “var showWarningPT1Window=true” and make this line like
  3. “var showWarningPT1Window=false”

Credits to: bouizanne for version 1.2015, zdsSF for KeyGen V33, fantomel for the most complete collection

THE MOST IMPORTANT NOTE- I hold no responsibility of any risk you will take with actia multi diag above. If you wanna use actia multi diag diagnostic interface for safety, I advise you to tested versions, Actia Multi-Diag china clone also ok.

Good luck!!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

04.2017 ETKA 7.5/7.4/7.3 & ElsaWin 5.3 VMware Win 7 Free Download

Here is a package of VMware Windows 7 with 04.2017 ETKA 7.5/7.4/7.3 & ElsaWin 5.3 (AUDI 02.2016-VW 01.2016).

It’s shared by bolskaya in the MH community (BIG THANKS!!)

Etka 7.X plus (7.3 – 7.4 – 7.5 updates 04.2017 + prices)
Launcher Etka – Config – Downloader
Etka Config and Downloader 4.0 by RAG

ElsaWin 5.3 with base AUDI 02.2016 and VW 01.2016 Language only English-German

ElsaWin Admin account :
Username : admin
Password : admin

ElsaWin account:
Username : elsa
Password : elsa

Folder Mega!9U8yhaKa!LtpuJp9Q0mw7j7vFjTUkZQ

27 Files Mega!wI0TwSKR!mg-KKnlih-hyzEyCNpL8mTWtJxGrJdYfmVagAUonT1c!5U1URYiY!qEnKo-vlWMgmUhbn5uhG_mc18lCvnl771KW8IAvXEj0!tdNgVR7S!Y0zVqJ3KuPFi0aoTvAf2guHQlWlKZTc0QhjjQqRBdQk!tcEDGADC!bU2xWhyWWPkkMrD7vFWV3WSOA2d5i0MqBWP1uXAe0Ew!0Fdm0CYI!Ba3upSFiE2HyYvpiYHYXREyiFe2R2ONMBofia98HYTA!9dUwQCAJ!1rWQoM9ZfeRDrUs0ylx7DpixmsXT-Scomv6x2wC2Yvs!VZdXXDQb!jF76dWNCBDPMGQdN7iFiy_OyxP7CDVjpsnOCfdA4_VE!0N0yQKYI!Qne-2NKC7KrsqPv6uXPqKdsS9WaJlnwB_dzoJvUaqh4!1BsCDQqb!zGJvZ371E_yt4siSXNGjZtvh0Ec9UUQL-2wdzRtUW5o!Ydc3lAZZ!04ygjQJ93VmtSkyVlLrRu3ui3ZweyUKU1tmYuRL9YV0!EcED1T6R!wRs1SVexD6WvvMKl-PaSF-yRi-lL8PVC8Pgm67PCrrA!dNk3mISS!KuZi51Kib7LJshj8P14mBVrJyL1ueFeaQu_cASxbe6c!pNE2QIJL!5a9RzAisIMKd4t858fMtUIfJxGpNOj72qhbIKx-TiI8!8EMSWSDY!C5-MHyilmebUnZZUPNXzl2DNbm-pRReManxafykVzh0!wRljUaYR!iq1cBusiWTn6cm-EASB3UKGIH-hq7hPqfy-_OScS5qU!0Ad0ATRT!n6OVMK2VHP76jMcoinsVneEqvha3GxPhACXfRzdj5Dg!9UFB3IiT!2C7A-yMRsyA6iiuQUS6EDorSRXQZMqKs5lOtU3WE86I!ZBFVGaqR!4_o28j8HcPzF0y5r-sbNr9eintc3Yunx44vjVjzRd54!4c9RkRJC!FSztV6dfXhE5gdE4bKhUOJLwctXq9h63TLwX8pX3veg!INcgFIqB!AozHknDKuF8vyeCcs-L3zz9uIhBrBRO4hOX1V2-yk3M!YB1yBTrD!LLBCwBbtWK8f4CrfvpA3B62tkjNeqzOUvNp4K-2sjn4!4E0ABQjD!ERaKPPzxj76CivCuillmcBsgLj6MruIjYyp0V4AuN3o!NBFBBLbC!1HJeRTd2RLcaL_KAbjz_JFIUpHkEFbTk68cAUm2N1Is!dIdXCTqQ!WsNRWUSJy-0LrjsEwFVtDEDJ9aPwTQzq6Z_lj5bbTiE!wMNWFBjS!pX9kHBOhIb3LKscynxT6U_ntDff_nXPxTDIJZLcG2Io!gAl2VQSb!SRfwDwTGmAW_e3mKJGzQKZxt_eBRZfFmk-C5cS7gGac!1NlgHBCA!DveGRmjWUgfCAR7puL40Ejp0PLo1kqpsJEL0SeOc4iU

GOOD TIPS- how to install Elsawin 5.3 windows 7 32bit:

how to setup Elsawin 5.2 on Windows 10:

how to install elsawin 4.0 software:

how to install ETKA 7.5 windows XP:

how to install ETKA 7.4 Windows 7/ win 8/ win 10:

IMPORTANT NOTE- all files are free but not tested by professionals; software expire & unknown security; holds no responsibility of what you will try.

If you wanna use Elsawin with security, you are advised to used tested versions (even though it’d kind of old):
  • Elsawin download free:
(newest) elsawin 6.0 download on Mega:!lsQywayI!2H8X3uUhiI6qPStE93xeHGIYAP5rVycXjFVR3G3FeR4
elsawin 2016/ elsawin 5.3 download:
(tested) elsawin 5.2 crack: 100% working, never expire
(tested) elsawin 4.0 crack: 100% working, never expire

  • Etka 7.4 spare parts catalogue

Monday, April 24, 2017

Free download Vag can pro VCP+K v5.5.1

Free download VAG CAN PRO v5.5.1 patch on Mega:!zFgQgCbB!rOdRRC2W00u8Ribmbxz7zqiVrfDMvq0UgnN6YY2qajk
no password required
without USB dongle
never expired
Windows XP, Windows 7.. all OK

Then, How to install VAG CAN PRO 5.5.1 crack on Windows xp

Open disk E: VCP6
Copy folder Driver VCP
Paste it on Desktop
Open folder vcp6 and unzip

Open vagcanpro properties
Find target:
Open sp275 patch on Desktop
Copy PSA.dll & SCard.dll
Replace files with the 2 application on C:\VCP6

This wizard helps you install software for FT245R USB FIF0
Select: Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)
Click on Next
Select: Include this location in the search
Browse: Desktop/Driver VCP
Finish installation of USB Serial Converter

This wizard helps you install software for USB Serial Port
Select: Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)
Click on Next
Finish installation of USB Serial Port

Connect the vag can pro cable for use
Open vagcanpro on Desktop

It’s VCP+K v5.5.1 2016 version

Go to diagnosis, (better than VAS 5054A-vag pro runs FASTER than 5054a)
Can coding and programming
NO need engineer codes for coding or programming

This article is from OBDexpress Technical Service:

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Xprog 5.51 software download: free, cracked, tested!

Here is the xprog 5.51 software download for anyone who needs.

Xprog 5.51 link 1: (credits to marmaro)

Xprog 5.51 download free:!9HRy1ThC!T3no6RRU8-LOGq2U7penvHtwMlwliPR8VoBQoHf9j58

Success! Used a cheap USB-ASP along with khazama and the hex files provided by
After you have your connections all done.
Step 1 – Configure Khazama by going to >Commands>>Programming Options and set like in picture.
Step 2 – Set Fuse and Lock bits like in my picture but do not write them. Just set them and then close the window by the X
Step 3 – Load the HEX files marmaro converted. Atemga~1 to “F” (flash) and EEP to “E” (eeprom). The F & E button on top left. Then click AUTO PROGRAM.
Also if you get the error I was getting just ignore it.
Once done remove your connections. Hook Xprog to PC (COM1). Run LA’s 5.51 software. Verify in options your software is also set on com1. Then hit the UPDATE button.

Xprog 5.51 link 2: (credits to narkeleptk)

Free download Xprog 5.51 SW by LuisAndre!e8tU2LSK!F_bPyruBIyFcNuW1x97i4-DtEG4jTVtQgkND16ceCAs  pre-converted hex files!C49XxICQ!dji9BsRtaiTLqvMBJ1GIXk3GbajaczmrDdxLfij03b4

Xprog 5.51 link 3: (credits to LuisAndre)

Xprog 5.51 download:!JU4CRJxK!6iz03mDedUDoDMmSlYXTu9ACWoIVWU8p0WaZpimTtlo
This is xprogdestop version 5.5.1 with atmega flash and eeprom.
To use this software, adobe flash reader 10 or higher must be installed.
On the rar, you can find a text file with the instructions.
If you had errors when open v5.51 crac… software, make these:
First install original software v5.51 or higher
Execute the original software without xprog hardware attached.
Close the software and then execute crac… software with xprog and the errors will gone, tested by me.
The acrobat reader must be only v10, if higher, dont work, for stop adobe acrobat reader update you can use a program called
UpdateFreezer_1.9.127.exe or other.

Xprog 5.51 link 4: (credits to laz79)

Free download xprog 5.5.1 software on Mega:

Here you go:
1. Only use Adobe Reader that comes with the download (never update)
2. Switch off internet when installing and using XPROG (preferably install on laptop with no internet active)
3. Install on XP – works better
4. Insert registry file into registry
5. After install, open software and click ‘update’

Xprog 5.51 link 5: (credits to

(Newest) X-PROG Box 5.70
XPROG-M v5.55 for sale
X-PROG 5.50 for sale
XPROG-M V5.3 for sale
X-PROG 5.48 for sale

IMPORTANT Note: xprog software from are all tested, 100% working no issues!

The final tip: how-to’s of Xprog installation
How to install Xprog 5.70 Windows 7 32bit:

How to install xprog 5.60 software:

How to install Xprog 5.51:

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Actia Multi diag I-2016 manual: software download, how to install, car list

It’s the newest Actia Multi diag I-2016 user manual:
j2534 software free download;
actia multi diag keygen & activation code;
actia multi diag price;
how to install multi diag software I-2016;
actia multi diag abilities;
actia multi diag car list

Details… Here you go

actia diagnostics software download:
multi diag access j2534 download: safe to use
CANNOT connect to the Internet when install software!

actia multi diag keygen: no need pass

actia multi diag activation code: no need activation in this version (SN033918)

actia multi diag price: €169-€250, depends on the version
Multi diag software I-2016

actia multi diag I-2016 installation guide:
Go to Multi-Diag I-2016 disk E:
Copy the notepad “SN033918” and paste it on Desktop
Open “setup” to install Multi-Diag
Click on Next
Accept the agreement
Open the notepad “SN033918” on Desktop
and copy the SN as the VCI serial number
Select the setup type: USA
Next, OK
Select Profile ACTIA (standard)
Installing Multi-Diag, driver, components…
Finish ACTIA Multi-Diag installation
Restart the computer

This wizard helps you install software for PassThur+ XS USB Driver
Select Install… Automatically
Click on Next
Finish installation of software for PassThur+ XS USB Driver

Open computer management
Select Device manager->I+ME ACTIA XS Device-> PassThur+ XS USB Driver

Open Multi-Diag on Desktop
Go to Multi-Diag
Volkwagen Passat VI (2005-2011)
actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(7 actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(8
Engine-> All systems
actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(9 actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(10
Communication interface update
Warning: read and click on the tick to confirm
Communication interface update
The vehicle communication card cannot be reached
Confirm to try again
Communication interface update
Again, the communication card cannot be reached
Cancel to ignore
AWFInterpreter security error: communication intergave not registered
Tick to Confirm
Communication interface update: error while downloading the VCI. Check that it is connected to the tool and to the vehicle
Tick to Confirm
Then back here
Turn on the key
Communication interface update

This wizard helps you install software for USB PassThru Driver
Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)
Click on Next
Tick on Include this location in the search
Browse: My computer/C:/ACTIA/Driver VCI/PT1G
OK, Next
Finish installation of software for USB PassThru Driver

In the Computer management
Select Device manager->PC-201506241545->ACTIA USB Devices->USB PassThru Driver (Multi-instance)

Confirm the warning in Multi-Diag I-2016 interface
Communication interface update
Detection of protocol…
Go to diagnosis for Volkwagen Passat VII (2011-2016)

actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(17 actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(18
In the computer management
Select Device manager->I+ME ACTIA XS Device-> PassThur+ XS USB Driver
Select a car type: All systems- vag diagnostics
actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(19 actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(20 actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(21 actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(22 actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(23 actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(24 actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(25 actia-multi-diag-I-2016-download-(26

Multi-Diag I-2016 is tested to work no issues!

Actia multidiag works good at:
  1. All maintenance and repair operations
– Reset maintenance indicators
– Read/Erase fault codes
– Read parameters (graphical representation)
– Test actuators
– Configure the calculator,
– Coding (Injectors, electronic tire valves…)
– Calibration and self-learning… Etc.

  1. Diagnose the main vehicle systems:injection, ABS, ESP, Airbag, automatic transmission, air conditioning, central computer, dashboard, comfort systems, tire valves, immobilizer, direction, steering, etc…

  1. 3. Connected Services:
Connecter “” to receive personalized information and access the many online services:
– Latest Updates Vehicles and Systems
– Online Help Topics
– Support requests directly by e-mail
– Remote control of your tool
– Accessories available to complete your Multi-Diag equipment
– Track your online subscription
– Technical and commercial information to fully exploit your diagnostic station

Multi-Diag I-2016 car list:
Covers more than 45 brands:
Alfa-Romeo, Audi, Autobianchi, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Citroën, Dacia, Daewoo, Daihatsu, Fiat, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar, Kia, Lada, Lancia, Land Rover, Lexus, Maybach, Mazda, Mercedes, MG, Mini, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, Proton, Renault, Rover, Saab, Seat, Skoda, Smart, SSangyong, Subaru, Suzuki-Santana, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo, Zastava…